Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What should society do for “uncivilized cultures”(Sawi)?

There are lots of uncivilized cultures all around the world. They have high possibilities to proceed up to where the civilized cultures are. They have the potential of earning a lot of money because of their cultures or agrarian resources. However, without any contact with the civilized society, there will be no progress for the uncivilized cultures because they will be living in their own world. In other words, how society behaves to the uncivilized cultures determine the state of civilization to the uncivilized cultures like the Sawi. Since I want the uncivilized cultures to have improvement so that they can find out the better lives, I will try to support the cultures. Therefore, we should contact with those uncivilized cultures as much as we could do no matter what intentions or purposes are in the approaches. Society should give care to those cultures by donating money. Society should give care to the uncivilized cultures as much as they give to the civilized cultures. Governments should give the same amount of financial aid to the uncivilized cultures and we should try to teach and share what we have in the civilized world. For example, we should try to teach the modern apparatuses like TV, Internet, cars, and planes. Also, we should try to set schools and houses for them to become civilized. In that way, they will have more experiences and contacts with the modern and civilized cultures. Conclusively, the uncivilized cultures will confront more contacts with the civilized cultures, which will result in the more convenient, civilized and developed world.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Probably the most important action we can take towards another culture is to be like Jesus to them: Love unconditionally, share responsibly, give sacrificially and serve selflessly. Mrs.Mc.