Sunday, January 28, 2007

what do mission organizations do for these people?

Usually mission organizations support these people by building houses or giving food. Mission organizations connect the people in modern society with these people in a way that the organizations ask them to help those people. Then people in modern society will donate their money or possessions to the people. Mission organizations also make the Christian missionaries have successful evangelism by setting all the plans for them. They sparkle the missionary and they expand the range of missionary. The expansion of the range brings hope and saves more people. Mission organizations put their best effort to improve the conditions of the people like the Sawi because it is the basis of Christianity. Mission organizations struggle to spread God’s word by setting every missionary’s plan to certain area. Without mission organizations, God’s name will hardly spread. Mission organizations also inform the people in modern society that there are people like the Sawi in the opposite side of the world. As I said above, mission organizations make the people have care about the people like the Sawi so that people can support them. Mission organizations are responsible of missionary, connection with modern society, and support for these people like the Sawi. Due to the work of mission organizations, the power and glory of God is spreading quickly. Also, the good news that Jesus will come is also setting a hope and happiness to many people.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Yes the Mission organizations have real value in our modern environment. Mrs.Mc.