Sunday, January 28, 2007

what does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi?

This question might be very similar to what God expects us to do for other cultures and faiths. Jesus wants us to do show that since Jesus sacrificed for us, we should love and care each other. We should teach them that lesson. We should teach the Sawi people that Jesus died for us. Jesus is the Savior. Jesus wants us to share love with the Sawi because that is what Jesus had shown to us. Jesus sacrificed his life to forgive our immeasurable sins. Jesus wants us to do our best to support the Sawi because that is the love. We should be the model of showing love because love is the way to happiness. We should show how to love others to the Sawi because Jesus had already done for us and showed us that that is the way to happiness. Jesus wants us to spread His love for human beings. In other words, we should teach the Sawi what Jesus has done for human beings by showing love. More specifically, we should donate our lives to support and aid the Sawi since that is the act of love. What Jesus wants us to do seems very simple since it is mostly about love. However, it is very difficult. Although sharing and showing love is very difficult, it has to be done because Jesus has died for us.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Alan, I love the words "Donate our lives". This shows such sincere committment to Christ - you are so right about showing love and that, in essence, is what Peace Child is all about.