Sunday, January 28, 2007

Choose a representative passage from this novel that holds particular significance to you. Type it in and comment on its significance.

“And if sharing Him where His name was already known was a privilege, sharing Him where His name had never been heard must be an immeasurably greater privilege!”(75)

This passage had come to me so significantly because I strongly agree to it. As a Christian, what this quote is saying is absolutely right. Sharing the glory of God with the people who are Christians is very good, but sharing God’s glory with someone who is not a Christian is genuinely great. Sharing God’s name with people who do not know Him means that the greatness of God is spreading and that is pleasing to God. God wants us to teach people that God has the happiness of life. It is also significant in the meaning of missionary because spreading God’s word to the world where it is not existent is the most important point in evangelism. As the number of Christians grows larger and larger, God is more pleasant and pleasant. Due to the reason, sharing God’s name where His name is never heard is a great privilege. This passage is also significant because it tells what we as Christians should do. We should spread God’s name to the people who have never heard His name because they will have the happiness when they find out who God is. This is why this passage had come to me significantly.

1 comment:

Justin An said...

Sharing God's words to a place where people never heard about the religion of Christianity may be very challenging. Don, however, faced that challenge and achieved great success in spreading God's words throughout the Sawi nation. If I had a chance to spread my faith, or what I thought was great to a group of people who never heard about it, I would also take that as a great privelage.