Sunday, January 28, 2007

What concepts in the Sawi culture intrigued/reviled/saddened/angered/surprised you?

The most inscrutable concept in the Sawi culture was that the Sawi people killed those people who were unconscious. They did not let those people live but rather killed them. They tried to make those people die quicker. They thought those people’s souls had left from their bodies that they were worth enough to die at once. It shocked me and scared me because I imagined myself as one of that kind of people being assaulted. They would be the most brutal and scariest things to do including the killing all the second ones of the twins. How can a human being kill a person who can not even move his/her finger. Another concept in Sawi culture that intrigued me was the exchange of the children as a symbol of peace. It also shocked me. I was goose bumped when I found out the connection of Jesus Christ because I thought the Sawi culture was already having an invisible relationship with God. I thought that God had already planned the Sawi culture to have the peace child exchange concept, so that they could easily understand the concept and idea in which Don Richardson was talking. Most of the concepts in the Sawi culture surprised me because I found out that they indirectly had relationships with Christianity. I could feel that God was already planning ahead. That was very interesting and intriguing to me.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

God is amazing. He knows our past and future and so He continually prepares the world for our benefit. That's real love. Mrs.Mc