Sunday, January 28, 2007

what reflections and connections can you make with this novel?

I had a reflection of my freshmen year in TCIS when I read this novel. It was interesting that my freshmen year was very similar to the Sawi people when Don first came. I reflected when I first came to TCIS because I was not adapted to this school at first. Like the Sawi people, I personally thought TCIS was very deviate and abnormal because I came from a totally different environment. Just like the Sawi people thought of Don Richardson, I felt TCIS students were very erratic and strange. How I thought and how TCIS students thought were very different. It was the same situation as the Sawi people confronted the strange Tuans. As time went by, I started hanging out with TCIS friends a lot and my thoughts and ideas gradually changed like the TCIS students. And by six months, I only played with TCIS friends and I did not argue or feel that TCIS students were strange. This was exactly same as the Sawi people starting to understand Christianity. At first, the Sawi people reacted very differently at Christianity from Don Richardson. They thought Judas was a hero at first time they heard the story of Jesus. But, as they listened to Don Richardson more and more, their thoughts gradually changed. The first reflection that came to my mind after I read this novel was my freshmen year in TCIS because my freshmen year had a lot of common points with the Sawi people in Peace Child.


tingga said...

yeah, i can see where you were standing in ninth grade. i think its human nature to make a wall against things that are new to you, and strange, but I think its important to put all those walls down and try to seek positive things about the "thing". Which I think you do now. ^ ^

African Globe Trotters. said...

You have touched on a real issue; often when we are confronted with something new we consider it strange / weird or odd. I think this novel encourages one to see past the unknown and see what God sees - the heart of every man. Mrs.Mc.