Sunday, January 28, 2007

what does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi?

This question might be very similar to what God expects us to do for other cultures and faiths. Jesus wants us to do show that since Jesus sacrificed for us, we should love and care each other. We should teach them that lesson. We should teach the Sawi people that Jesus died for us. Jesus is the Savior. Jesus wants us to share love with the Sawi because that is what Jesus had shown to us. Jesus sacrificed his life to forgive our immeasurable sins. Jesus wants us to do our best to support the Sawi because that is the love. We should be the model of showing love because love is the way to happiness. We should show how to love others to the Sawi because Jesus had already done for us and showed us that that is the way to happiness. Jesus wants us to spread His love for human beings. In other words, we should teach the Sawi what Jesus has done for human beings by showing love. More specifically, we should donate our lives to support and aid the Sawi since that is the act of love. What Jesus wants us to do seems very simple since it is mostly about love. However, it is very difficult. Although sharing and showing love is very difficult, it has to be done because Jesus has died for us.

what do mission organizations do for these people?

Usually mission organizations support these people by building houses or giving food. Mission organizations connect the people in modern society with these people in a way that the organizations ask them to help those people. Then people in modern society will donate their money or possessions to the people. Mission organizations also make the Christian missionaries have successful evangelism by setting all the plans for them. They sparkle the missionary and they expand the range of missionary. The expansion of the range brings hope and saves more people. Mission organizations put their best effort to improve the conditions of the people like the Sawi because it is the basis of Christianity. Mission organizations struggle to spread God’s word by setting every missionary’s plan to certain area. Without mission organizations, God’s name will hardly spread. Mission organizations also inform the people in modern society that there are people like the Sawi in the opposite side of the world. As I said above, mission organizations make the people have care about the people like the Sawi so that people can support them. Mission organizations are responsible of missionary, connection with modern society, and support for these people like the Sawi. Due to the work of mission organizations, the power and glory of God is spreading quickly. Also, the good news that Jesus will come is also setting a hope and happiness to many people.

Choose a representative passage from this novel that holds particular significance to you. Type it in and comment on its significance.

“And if sharing Him where His name was already known was a privilege, sharing Him where His name had never been heard must be an immeasurably greater privilege!”(75)

This passage had come to me so significantly because I strongly agree to it. As a Christian, what this quote is saying is absolutely right. Sharing the glory of God with the people who are Christians is very good, but sharing God’s glory with someone who is not a Christian is genuinely great. Sharing God’s name with people who do not know Him means that the greatness of God is spreading and that is pleasing to God. God wants us to teach people that God has the happiness of life. It is also significant in the meaning of missionary because spreading God’s word to the world where it is not existent is the most important point in evangelism. As the number of Christians grows larger and larger, God is more pleasant and pleasant. Due to the reason, sharing God’s name where His name is never heard is a great privilege. This passage is also significant because it tells what we as Christians should do. We should spread God’s name to the people who have never heard His name because they will have the happiness when they find out who God is. This is why this passage had come to me significantly.

what reflections and connections can you make with this novel?

I had a reflection of my freshmen year in TCIS when I read this novel. It was interesting that my freshmen year was very similar to the Sawi people when Don first came. I reflected when I first came to TCIS because I was not adapted to this school at first. Like the Sawi people, I personally thought TCIS was very deviate and abnormal because I came from a totally different environment. Just like the Sawi people thought of Don Richardson, I felt TCIS students were very erratic and strange. How I thought and how TCIS students thought were very different. It was the same situation as the Sawi people confronted the strange Tuans. As time went by, I started hanging out with TCIS friends a lot and my thoughts and ideas gradually changed like the TCIS students. And by six months, I only played with TCIS friends and I did not argue or feel that TCIS students were strange. This was exactly same as the Sawi people starting to understand Christianity. At first, the Sawi people reacted very differently at Christianity from Don Richardson. They thought Judas was a hero at first time they heard the story of Jesus. But, as they listened to Don Richardson more and more, their thoughts gradually changed. The first reflection that came to my mind after I read this novel was my freshmen year in TCIS because my freshmen year had a lot of common points with the Sawi people in Peace Child.

What concepts in the Sawi culture intrigued/reviled/saddened/angered/surprised you?

The most inscrutable concept in the Sawi culture was that the Sawi people killed those people who were unconscious. They did not let those people live but rather killed them. They tried to make those people die quicker. They thought those people’s souls had left from their bodies that they were worth enough to die at once. It shocked me and scared me because I imagined myself as one of that kind of people being assaulted. They would be the most brutal and scariest things to do including the killing all the second ones of the twins. How can a human being kill a person who can not even move his/her finger. Another concept in Sawi culture that intrigued me was the exchange of the children as a symbol of peace. It also shocked me. I was goose bumped when I found out the connection of Jesus Christ because I thought the Sawi culture was already having an invisible relationship with God. I thought that God had already planned the Sawi culture to have the peace child exchange concept, so that they could easily understand the concept and idea in which Don Richardson was talking. Most of the concepts in the Sawi culture surprised me because I found out that they indirectly had relationships with Christianity. I could feel that God was already planning ahead. That was very interesting and intriguing to me.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

What does God expect us to do for other cultures and faiths?

I have met or experienced a number of different cultures and faiths in 17 years. Everytime I confronted those different cultures or faiths, I tended to neglect and criticize those. After I read the Scripture when I was about 14 years old, I found out that God wants us to do for other cultures and faiths is absolutely different from what I treated the other cultures and faiths. What we should do for other cultures and faiths is to become a model to share love with others as a representative of Christianity. At the same time, we should give respect to the different cultures and faiths. Simply, we should not reproach them because it is against love. Before we try to teach other cultures about Christianity, we should behave ourselves by showing and sharing love with others. By demonstrating love and care, Christian minds and thoughts will naturally change those different cultures and faiths that they will eventually become Christian. God expects us to be a model to demonstrate love and that is the beauty of Christianity. We should put all of our effort to be helpful and positive effects to other cultures and faiths. God wants us to teach them that He is the God who protects and takes care of them.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

How did Christianity change this culture(Sawi)?

Obviously, there is nothing to refuse the affects of Christianity toward the Sawi culture. Christianity conspicuously changed the way of the Sawi people’s lives. Their way of thinking, behavior, and concept had been reversed. The Peace had truly come to the Sawi people through the acceptance of Christianity. For instance, the Sawi people gained the ability to forgive others which was inspired by the telling of the forgiveness of God through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Sawi people also learned how to trust God and let everything stay in God’s hand that they did not urge but wait for God’s answer. The superstition, which is one of the Sawi cultures, was also gone after the introducing of Christianity. Sawi eventually recognized the greatness of God through some miracles that the people accepted the Christianity as a genuine religion. The cruelty, savageness, and violence had been disappeared; whereas peace, harmony and joy had set in the people’s minds. Christianity significantly changed the behaviors of the people that the Sawi people now behave as if they are from the other modern world. They try to negotiate and discuss which is much different from when they just fought and killed each other which was very inhuman. Christianity taught them the moral and ethical lessons, making them get out of the evil and caged world. Sawi had been changed so much in a positive way since Christianity was introduced. Sawi people had earned the genuine peace, happiness, and amaze of life through the “Peace Child”.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What should society do for “uncivilized cultures”(Sawi)?

There are lots of uncivilized cultures all around the world. They have high possibilities to proceed up to where the civilized cultures are. They have the potential of earning a lot of money because of their cultures or agrarian resources. However, without any contact with the civilized society, there will be no progress for the uncivilized cultures because they will be living in their own world. In other words, how society behaves to the uncivilized cultures determine the state of civilization to the uncivilized cultures like the Sawi. Since I want the uncivilized cultures to have improvement so that they can find out the better lives, I will try to support the cultures. Therefore, we should contact with those uncivilized cultures as much as we could do no matter what intentions or purposes are in the approaches. Society should give care to those cultures by donating money. Society should give care to the uncivilized cultures as much as they give to the civilized cultures. Governments should give the same amount of financial aid to the uncivilized cultures and we should try to teach and share what we have in the civilized world. For example, we should try to teach the modern apparatuses like TV, Internet, cars, and planes. Also, we should try to set schools and houses for them to become civilized. In that way, they will have more experiences and contacts with the modern and civilized cultures. Conclusively, the uncivilized cultures will confront more contacts with the civilized cultures, which will result in the more convenient, civilized and developed world.